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Artwork by Henrik Tingstrom More facts Knight Templar outside a Fort - Pencil and watercolor painting
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My Artwork Eman Hogsby Stone Ship Eman Hogsby Lillsjodal Stones The Church Stones Star Factory - Nebula Someone in the window 4 Someone in the window 3 Someone in the window 2 Someone in the window Buick 1950 Downhill Round swing Field Hay bales Consolidated B-24D Liberator landed near Hogsby, Sweden Oct 9, 1943 Three boys from the medieval time period Eketorp iron age fort Cowboy Kalmar Theatre 1903 Klackeberga Church Kalmar Reflection Gate of Hogsby Kalmar Fire Station 1910 Executioner Balkman, Kalmar, Sweden Hogsby Kyrkebro year 1901 Boy with Cart Visby Hogsby Church year 1630 Near Hogsby during the War of Kalmar 1612 Crusader Crossbowman and Visby St. Maria Church Knight in Sight Tournament competitor Ford Fairlane 1966 Classic Ballet Stagecoach Cowboy on horse Bad Guy Down Wild West Girl Swordsman on horse Farewell Canada Geese Oland bridge Through the window Stone bridge and Wels catfish Squirrel on fence Mercenaries Knight Templar outside a Fort Kalmar Castle Older man Grey Heron Curious boys Beg for mercy Fight on slippery ice The Devils Beast Shelby Cobra Folkrace Volvo Amazon and 245 Folkrace VW and Saab 99 Farrier Sten The Ship Gotheborg Medieval archer Horses Two girls from the medieval time period Three Knight Templars Young Medieval archer Filling up Knight Templar from Kalmar Play break Arab warrior A Knight Mercenary A Knight Raking Walking with grandchildren The water can Lighthouse and Herring Gull Congratulation hug Walking Dog Bucket Dive tower Picnic Cat Aboda Klint Lynx Rail to island Kalmarflirt Sleeping Hogsby Kolsrum smile Natural Drageryd Top of Gosjon Wild Gillberga Sunny Foggy Butterfly effect no. 1
Butterfly effect no. 2
Butterfly effect no. 3
Butterfly effect no. 4
Butterfly effect no. 5
Butterfly effect no. 6
Butterfly effect no. 7
Butterfly effect no. 8
Butterfly effect no. 9
Butterfly effect no. 10
Butterfly effect no. 11
Butterfly effect no. 12
Copyright © 1997-2021 Henrik 'Tingan' Tingstrom (from Hogsby, Sweden)